Elijah had just finished the most amazing miracle in his life. He challenged the followers of Baal to competition to see which god/God can burn up a sacrifice on command. If you know the story, the God of Israel manages to burn up the sacrifice even though it is soaking wet. Here are three lessons that I see in this text (1Kings 19).
1. Sometimes our worst moment follows one of our most amazing moments. In chapter 18, God showed the people of Israel that He is God rather than Baal. What an amazing high this must have been for Elijah. Then God brought rain and Jezebel declared that she will kill Elijah by tomorrow. When he heard this, he was afraid and ran away.
2. Sometimes an issue requires more than just faith. I have heard people say that Jesus is all you need. I think these people are sincere but wrong. When Elijah asked God to take his life, (19:4) He sent an angel. The angel fed him and let him sleep. The angel did this a second time before sending him to journey to meet God. God shows that Elijah needed more than just a word from God. He needed food and rest before moving on. I think this reminds us how much our physical well being can affect how we see our life and world.Â
3. Sometimes what one thinks is true is different than reality. After the angel had fed him two times, Elijah went to a cave in Horeb mountain.
God asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”Â
He replied, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only left, and now they are trying to kill me too.:
(1 Kings 19:14)
Elijah thought that he was the only prophet left. But, God knew otherwise. He directed Elijah to anoint Elisha
God is working behind the scenes even when we think He is defeated.