Vision boards

I love to do creative things. So, I have made two vision boards in my past.

The first one was made before 2008. My church had a visioning retreat for creating my Church’s mission statement. So, I created a mission statement and cut images from magazines to portray that statement.

I will seek a closer relationship with God through prayer, Bible Study and service to my fellowman.

My vision board portraying my desire to get closer to God.

There is a drawing of my church from one of our church flyers near the center top. Near the bottom is a drawing that a child drew me while I was volunteering at my local homeless shelter. I still have strong memories from that place even though I spent most of my time straightening the toy closet, donations in the basement or pots and pans in the kitchen cabinets.

I will seek to improve my relationships with others by listening to and spending time with my family, friends and others.

I am not going to share a picture of this part because I want to keep my family and friends private.

I will improve myself by continually seeking opportunities to learn from others and life situations.

My portrayal of my goal to continually learn new things.

The WCTC and my therapist on this part is how I know that this was before 2008. I graduated from WCTC in 2008.

I have kept the mission statement but selected more focused goals as the years went by. Here is another vision board focusing on yearly goals from before 2019.

My yearly goals from before 2019.

That year, I wanted to learn Spanish, eat healthy, be able to climb a tree, write for money, God and fun, study the Bible, go on more mission trips with my new church and take lots of walks.

In 2020, I wrote some work goals but Covid-19 destroyed them. I didn’t even write any work goals for 2021.

What is your mission statement? My church at the time did a formula. The beginning of the statement starts with who we are. I dropped this part when I created my mission statement. The next part was the goal followed by how we will achieve the goal.

Have you created a vision board? If so, please share a picture or any thoughts about the experience.

I will do a review of how I am doing on these goals and share a more current vision board.