My pastor mentioned this psalm (23) in his sermon today. I have used this psalm as a way to calm myself down. I can recite parts of it. Yet, today I had a completely different reaction.

I told him that I struggle with the gap between God’s promises and reality. The psalmist describes God as fulfilling our need for food,water and shelter. I have read that sheep can drown if the water is moving too fast. So, the reference to “still waters” can be a description of the shepherd caring for the safety of his/her flock.
Yet, the world is full of suffering. I saw a homeless man sleeping in a doorway of a local non-profit while walking my street last night. He had a little mat under him and the hood of his jacket down over his face. He laid his head on some of the bags near him. I thought about taking a picture, leaving some food or a blanket nearby him. But, I have read that some people lace food/drink with laxatives and give it to a homeless person. So, I had no idea if he’d even trust the water bottle if I left one. I remembered how scared I was when I accidently locked myself out of my apartment and had to wait until the next morning to get let back in. I spent some of that time laying on my stuff half asleep outside of my apartment door. I kept wondering if someone would come and beat me up for my purse or rape me. I felt so vulnerable and desperate to go to the bathroom. I learned that our Walmart is not 24/7 when I was trying to get to a bathroom.

I know that God wants us to work for justice in our society. But, I don’t know how. I am too nervous to talk to an elected official. I tend to stutter when I speak to someone in authority. I almost do it on my boss at work. I really enjoy the fact that very few people talk to me at work. It is close to an introvert’s dream.
I thought about writing letters since I love to write. But, my state legislature is heavily gerrymandered which helps them to do what they want with little concern about what the people want.
Where do you see suffering and/or injustice?
Are you working to change your community in some way?
What are some ideas for us introvert’s on how we can fight for more justice and compassion in our communities?