“A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails.” Donna Roberts
I tried to Google Donna Roberts but I found a variety of different people. I have no idea who this Roberts is. This reminded me of when I visited my great aunt at a nursing home with my dad. I doubt that she could remember who we were due to scar tissue from strokes. Yet, she still sang with us. I can’t even remember what the song was. I just remember feeling re-connected with her for just a few moments.
“One who knows how to show and accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.” Sophocles
Sophocles, a Greek play writer, showed an understanding of the importance of kindness. A former co-worker has told me that she can’t accept a gift from me if she can’t reciprocate. Since I have been learning about the blessing of allowing others to help me at times, I can understand her position. However, I must say being a friend involves giving and receiving acts of kindness.
“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.” Douglas Pagels

“Good friends are like shock absorbers. They help you take the lumps and bumps on the road of life.” Frank Tyger
I will be moving to a new apartment later this month. While I am excited to live there, I am dreading the move. My dad and some of my church friends will be helping me. Friends are the people that we can count on to help us when we need a ride, help moving, someone to care for our pet in our absence or some other need.
Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation.” Mahatma Gandhi (10/02/1869 – 01/30/1948).