Prayers for the World

As I walked home from church today, a familiar urge filled my heart. The words of one of the hymns sparked my desire to pray for the world again.

It is titled O God of Every Nation (713 in the ELCA hymnal).

“O God of every nation, of every race and land, redeem your creation with your almighty hand; where hate and fear divide us and bitter threats are hurled, in love and mercy guide us and heal our strife torn world.

From search for wealth and power and scorn of truth and right, from trust in bombs that shower destruction through the night, from pride of race and station and blindness to your way, deliver every nation, eternal God, we pray.”

I think these two verses describes us and our world so well. When the pandemic began and the Ukraine war began, I felt this need to pray for our world. Yet, I struggle to even know what to ask for. Peace from war and hatred? Healing from illness? A reprieve for those who are suffering due to illness, wars, poverty and natural disasters? Guidance for the leaders of each and every nation?

I cry out for easy answers and easy fixes. Yet, God seems to listen intently with no response.

Here is a short quote from another song titled God of Grace and God of Glory (705)

“Grant us wisdom, grant us courage for the facing of this hour…Grant us wisdom, grant us courage for the living of these days.”

We, as a world, need Your guidance and courage to live in these chaotic times. Please grant this to us.

Outlive part 2

I have now finished reading Outlive: the Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia, MD and Bill Gifford.

The quote that best summarizes his book is as follows. “Our tactics in Medicine 3.0 fall into five broad domains: exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional health, and exogenous molecules, meaning drugs, hormones or supplements.” (Page 47) He covered each of the domains except for the “exogenous molecules.”

I found the exercise section to be overwhelming in information. Yet, it is encouraging me to get in more steps. The other section that caught my attention and interest was the section on emotional health. Dr. Attia shared his own experience with seeking and receiving treatment for emotional/anger issues.

One concept that he mentioned is the idea of “resume values” vs “eulogy values.” Our society tends to value our work accomplishments more than our relationships with family, friends and one’s self, I will listen to the book that he referenced at a later date.

Enjoy the Small things in life

I was looking for a new image for my rocks. I decided to see if I can find a YouTube video on drawing a rose. I found an easy one that starts with a heart.

I added the words, “enjoy the Small things in life” to the rose painting. I hope it will remind someone that there are small good moments even in the worst of times. Taking the time to search for the good moments may help someone to keep trying and trying.