I thought of this idea while at work. I have a job that uses low level brain power and a lot of hands on work. I think a good therapist would suspect that fear is a large factor in our nation’s disagreement. So, the therapist would work to reassure the parties that neither outcome will destroy the US. Perhaps, he/she would say,”We have survived world wars and a Civil war. We will survive this election too.”
Then, both parties would start sharing their worst case scenarios. The therapist stops them and says,”I can only hear one at a time.”
“Thanks to President Biden, we have open borders. Immigrants are flooding in from all over the world. Border patrol stops them, processes them and releases them into the country to await a hearing. They may be terrorists or criminals.” The Republican sighed in frustration. “Having a secure border is essential to our ability to be safe.”
“But, the Biden administration needs Congress to work with him in order to secure the border ”
“I am hearing that you are concerned about the safety of our nation due to the struggle to secure our border. Is that correct?” The therapist made eye contact with the Republican.
“Yes. I know that some people use this argument in relation to racism. But, I am not saying that one race is more violent than others.” The Republican looked nervously at the Democrat.
“I am not going to call you a racist. I believe most of us work hard to not be racist. It is just that our culture has racism deeply embedded in it. So, we have instinct like racism that hides under our more obvious beliefs.”
“If we are a racist society, how will minorities be willing to work hard to get ahead. Many black people have left poverty and worked their way into high government positions, started companies and many other achievements.”
The Democrat replied, “True. It is possible to achieve the American dream no matter what your race,sex or income. It is more challenging for some groups than others. There is a school activity that teaches about ‘white privilege.'”
“Interesting. What is this activity?”asked the therapist.
“It is a race. The teacher instructs the students to take a step forward if they had access to tutors. The teacher continues to list these early life advantages that some students had while the others did.n’t have them” Explained the Democrat.
“Many of us whites didn’t have tutors or decent clothes, yet we became successful. Anyone can do that.”
“Most successful people had a time when someone encouraged them or gave them a chance. Perhaps, their first job, a teacher or coach guided them. I want everyone to have access to these moments of encouragement and nourishment.”

“That sounds great. But, I am concerned that it would take too much money and resources to mentor all students. This needs to be done through charitable organizations and churches rather than our government.” Added the Republican.
“I can see some schools choosing to set up a mentor program. I doubt that it could be done for all students.”
I suspect the debate would continue like this. I believe that we need to make our voting decision based on who will be best for the job. I suspect that many of us are unhappy to see that it will be Trump vs Biden AGAIN.

I believe that we all love this country and want what is best for this country. I ask that we all cease insulting the other side and remember to treat our neighbors as ourselves.