I am thankful for…

I am thankful for family and friends. I will not share any pictures of them because I think they might want privacy. I am also thankful for the city that I live in. My fellow Waukesha residents seemed to be very caring people.

I am thankful for a decent job and nice co-workers. Sometimes, they giggle or dance to music. They are patient with my questions and requests for help.

I am thankful for God’s love and my church. I have no idea why God came to Earth, lived a hard life and died for me. But, I will always be thankful that he did it.

I am thankful for a warm apartment with a bathtub. I missed being able to take bubble baths for over a decade. I love to take a bath on Saturday mornings while watching/listening to a video on YouTube. I love my window of plants.

As a few of you know, I am working on losing weight. The struggle to count and reduce how many calories that I am eating is reminding me of how yummy food is. I have been craving a brownie with ice cream. I am not hungry but my mouth is watering at the sight of this picture.

I am also thankful for the beauty of this world, the ability to read, lots of books and the Internet that allows me to visit so many places and people in my mind.

Ten days of Joy Challenge

A family member challenged me to post ten pictures on Facebook that give me joy. The challenge requests a picture a day. I posted that I’d only be sharing flower pictures because I couldn’t think of anything else. But, I did think of pictures to share.

On day one, I posted a picture of my Petunia growing in my window on a very cold day. The window was totally frosted up. I was thankful for the warmth of my tiny apartment.

On day two, I posted a picture of food. I had just had a colonoscopy and was allowed to eat regular meals again.

My cat was the picture that I posted to Facebook on day three. Some of my family members are doing the challenge too. Two of them shared cat pictures on their posts too.

Sunday was day four. I took a picture of my pastor giving a children’s sermon. While I know that church is boring for children, I think it helps them to see how much we care about worshipping God. I also enjoy watching children sing or play at church. I hope they can create plenty of happy memories.

My love of rock painting was posted for day five. I painted a collection of rocks and put them out before our Christmas parade. I was hoping that it would encourage some of the parade goers.

I had no idea what I was going to post for today. Then, I thought of something else that I enjoy. I enjoy collecting rocks and foreign coins.

For day seven, I posted a picture of my books. I love to read.

I shared my love of nature for day eight. I posted a flower picture on Facebook but this is a better picture.

Day nine was a picture of a warm and sunny February day. Wisconsin has had mild winters for the past few years.

My last post is a picture of two birthday cards and a valentine card.

Thanksgiving for the world’s support

Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy. What comes to your mind when you read those words?

At first, it makes me think of my night of praying while looking towards Main Street. Listening to a police scanner app on my phone while doing dishes. Wondering Main Street and seeing colored markings on the road and a bunch of press people.

Now, the words make me think of additional memories. News stories of people sheltering in local businesses. People from ALL fifty states donating to the victim’s fund. Pictures of long lines at fund raisers. Encouraging messages in the Waukesha Strong Facebook group from people living in other states and countries. Painted rocks sent to Waukesha A crowd of Waukesha residents singing “Lean on Me” at Cutler Park by the library. The crowd singing “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” five minutes before this year’s Christmas parade. The beautiful ornaments that people designed and made to help fund raise for the victims and now the memorial.

Crowd singing at our parade.
This rock was sent to Waukesha from a lady living in New Jersey.

While I am not thankful that the tragedy happened, I am grateful for the amazing response from my fellow Waukesha residents, Americans and citizens of other countries. Thank you for your support. I am so overwhelmed by the amazing response. I thought people would forget us a few weeks afterwards.

“What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. These are but trifles, to be sure; but scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.” Joseph Addison

Lean on Me: Waukesha Strong

I attended my city’s one year anniversary gathering for the Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy on November 21, 2022. The video starts with no sound but has sound later. At the end, an artist sand “Lean on Me.” She invited us to sing along.

I decided to paint some rocks with the words “Lean on Me” and “Waukesha Strong.”

I planned to leave them along the route for our Christmas parade. I have left my 15 rocks along our parade route. I also put some sidewalk chalk messages out for people to see. It is my prayer that this will encourage someone in my community.

While I was placing my painted rocks, I found someone else’s rock.

I posted pictures of this rock on the Waukesha County Rocks group that I am a member. The artist is not from Waukesha. She is from New Jersey and sent them to Waukesha as her way to send kindness into our city. Then, a local hid them.

This is one example of people outside of the state or country reaching out to my community. I have read that people sent donations to my community’s victim fund. Judge Dorow received fan mail from all over. I joined a Facebook group called “Waukesha Strong” and assumed that it would contain only Waukesha or Wisconsin residents. But, I was surprised to see empathetic statements from all over the country and world. TMJ4 has been airing Waukesha events such as our parade and the one year anniversary ceremony. The comments of support showed up there too. Thank you to all who have expressed for my community. I am so shocked and overwhelmed by the support.

I hope the people who lost someone or was present at the parade last year feels this massive outpouring of support.

Two interesting articles

I found two interesting articles. The first one is a study about how much free time each day that a person has and how it impacts the person’s happy. The article ends with a list of pleasure producing activities such as gratitude.

The second article is a list of things to be thankful for. Some are simple like sunshine. So, I suspect you will find something in it to be thankful for.

Do you know of any interesting articles that you’d like share with me and my tiny handful of readers? Please share.

God doesn’t want you to be alone

I can’t say wether God wants you to get married or not. But, He wants you to have people in your life who will encourage you when things get tough.

Jesus called the disciples to accompany Him. Simon and Andrew were brothers just like John and James, sons of Zebedee. I think Jesus knew that living with family members nearby to help and support His disciples would be important to His students. Later, Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs to share the good news.  After Jesus died, the apostles still traveled in pairs. In the fourth chapter of Acts, Peter and John preached together and were arrested together, When the apostles were released, they gathered together and prayed. Chapter six describes the selection of deacons to serve widows of the Church. God cares for His people through the community of God.

Since I hate getting up in the morning on the weekend, I keep skipping church. So, this article needs to be preached to me more to me than probably the two or three people who will read it.

God, thank You for my friends. I met most of them at work or church. Like my family members, my three friends share their life with me and I share mine with them. I know from reading how Jesus invited His disciples to live with Him that this is what you desire for me. Since I am an introvert, I limit my friends to small circle of close friends. Thank You for understanding my need for solitude to relax, read interesting news and do arts and crafts. Amen.

Thanks for friends, co-workers and my health

This Thanksgiving post will be longer than usual because I missed last Thursday. So, I have combined last week and this week’s post.

Last weekend, I went out with a friend for breakfast. We discussed some female subjects that I am unwilling to share with others. It is nice to be able to talk about the private parts of our lives with friends. We also talked about politics. We are on opposite sides of the political parties. It was a nice reminder that we can disagree on politics and still be friends.

Many of my co-workers have helped me to learn my job. Earlier this month, one of my co-worker’s work contact ended. He taught me most of what I do in my current department and worked hard to coordinate the work of some other co-workers.

This week, I saw a post in one of my Facebook groups. The poster said that he/she had ran out of family and medical leave. She he/she lost his/her job. The comments section was full of other people facing similar situations. Since the group is for Covid-19 survivors, I knew that the poster was suffering with long hauler symptoms. I am thankful that my Covid-19 didn’t lead to long-term symptoms.

Thank God that Covid-19 numbers are dropping

Wisconsin has been having less than a thousand new cases per day. Our hospital numbers are way down too.

So, my employer is allowing fully vaccinated people to not wear a mask. I enjoy being able to see my co-workers ‘ faces. Breathing is easier without a mask. I am hoping that a new variant doesn’t come or stays away for a long time.

I am hoping to go out to eat with a friend on a weekend soon. I haven’t eaten out since last summer.

What do you plan to do while the Covid-19 numbers are low?

Thank God for heros

Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday. I thought they’d fall quickly. Yet, Russia has not reached Kyiv.

President Zelensky is still in Kyiv fighting for his country. A beer company is handing out empty bottles for people to make Molotov cocktails. A road company is removing street signs to confuse the Russians. Regular citizens are learning to shoot guns. All of these people are heros.

Many Russians are protesting in 50 different cities. The police are arresting people as quick as they can when they spot protesting. 5,800 people have been arrested.

My prayer for today. God, my heart aches for the people of Ukraine. Many are fighting for their homeland while others are attempting to flee. Please be with them. I can’t imagine what they are going through. Yet, I know that You know their fears, hopes and plans. Hear their prayers.

Many of the Russian people don’t want this war. I suspect some of their soldiers don’t want to wage this war but must obey orders.

Please guide our world leaders. Amen.


I have been searching for something to be thankful for this week. Then, I thought of hope. I am thankful that I have hope.

I find a small amount of hope helps me to get the energy to do my housework. Yet, no hope leaves me watching YouTube videos or starring at walls hardly blinking.

Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. Anne LaMotta

God, I need hope for each day. You tell us to “pray for our daily bread.” Hope is as important to me as my daily bread. Without hope, I can do almost nothing. Without hope, I sleep too much and do nothing productive. Please supply me with the reassurance of your presence and a continual flow of hope. Amen

Thank You for the hope that You have given me throughout my life. Amen.