My church is big on the love and grace of God. God loved us so much that He sent His own Son to die a horrible death..
Here is a song called Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service (ELW 712).
“Lord, whose love in humble Service bore the weight of human need, who upon the cross forsaken, worked your perfect deed: we, your servants, bring the worship not of voice alone but heart; consecrating to your purpose every gift which you impart.”
I think this verse explains that we love God because He loved us first.
“Still your children wander homeless; still the hungry cry for bread; still the captives long for freedom: still in grief we mourn our dead. As you, Lord, in deep compassion healed the sick and freed the soul, by your Spirit send your power to our world to make it whole.”
This verse describes the suffering that has happened for thousands of years before Jesus came to Earth and after He returned to heaven. Sometimes, I feel overwhelmed by the knowledge of the suffering in our world. I know that I am praying to a compassionate God. The writer, Albert F. Bayly (1901-1984) lived through world war I, the Great depression and world war II. So, he saw a great deal of suffering in his life.
“As we worship, grant us vision , till your love’s revealing light in its height and depth and greatness dawns upon our quickened sight, making known the needs and burdens your compassion bids us bear, stirring us to ardent service, your abundant life to share.”
This verse is a prayer asking God to help us to see the suffering in our world.
“Called by worship to your service, forth in your dear name we go, to the child, the youth, the aged, love in living deeds to show; hope and health, goodwill and comfort, counsel, aid, and peace we give, that your servants, Lord in freedom may your mercy know and live.”
This verse describes our response of loving our neighbors. We are called to serve others just as Jesus loved and served us during His lifetime and death. Now, He advocates for us in heaven.
I am participating in a weight loss program called the EVO study. They are comparing the results of a six month program called the Diabetes Prevention Program which is the standard weight loss program recommended by the CDC and an app based program. One of the weekly readings of the app based group shared a summary of a book titled The Intrinsic Exerciser by Jay Kimiecik. I decided to buy a used copy in response to this summary.
He began the book with a comparison of an extrinsic exerciser versus an intrinsic one. I related to the extrinsic exerciser description because I exercise for the health benefits but knew I’d quit once I stopped receiving support from the EVO study staff. He described an intrinsic exerciser as someone who enjoys exercising rather than doing it for the health benefits. This book reminded me of when I was in cross country in high school. I enjoyed my teammates and the challenge of beating my time. I started working on improving my time in my two to three times a week of cardio. The author also encouraged his readers to set goals for each exercise session. I decided to look for pleasurable things about exercising. So far, I have found a few things that I like about jogging at my local park.
I enjoy being outside by the Fox River
I enjoy seeing and hearing children playing. I have seen children riding bikes and heard them playing at a nearby playground.
I smiled when an elderly couple greeted me because they had seen me jogging the week before.
I plan on continuing to do this for the next few weeks. I doubt that I will fall in love with exercising but I will be able to increase the pleasure of it. Then, I will be able to continue with it .
I bought this book from a local thrift store because I enjoy reading fables about living. I thought that it would be similar to Who Moved the Cheese but I was surprised that it had a Christian perspective on “living your fourth quarter intentionally.” Since I am 51, I am curious to read about and think about how to live the last half of my life.
The main character meets a mentor at her church. He shares with her “5 keys to living and dying with no regrets.”
Say yes to God
God invites you onto a wonderful journey, When you say yes to God’s invitation, you know where you’re going.
Focus on a Fourth Quarter Virtue
Pursue one fourth quarter virtue God has specifically placed in you. Then watch it create blossoms in all areas of your life.
The more you give yourself away, the happier you’ll be.
Forgive Often
Bitter and resentful is no way to live. And it’s definitely no way to die.
Be Open to Life
Your fourth quarter can be more of a birthing than a dying. Be Open to what can be.
The first statement about God inviting us to journey with him makes me think of a path in the woods. I imagine God and I walking the path together.
I read a list of 15 virtues that the author shared in the back of the book. I related to the virtues of hope, love,justice and kindness. If I choose a “fourth quarter virtue” it will be one of these.
I want to bloom just like this statement says.
When I read “give it away” I think of my painted rocks, this blog and my YouTube channel. I want to encourage others to keep fighting for their dreams.
I had heard about Biles quitting the Olympics the last time for a mental health issue. I had meant to look it up and see what the issue was. Now, she is the most decorated US women’s gymnastics Olympian.
Here is an article about her experience with therapy. I think she demonstrates that we can struggle with a mental health issue, get treatment and overcome. I suspect she still has anxious thoughts and emotions just like all of us but she found a way to perform at peak levels anyways.
I am sitting at church listening to the other members chatting nearby a counter with brownies and other snacks. Here is the group confession for today.
“God, our provider, help us. It is hard to believe there is enough to share. We question your ways when they differ from the ways of the world in which we live. We turn to our own understanding rather than trusting in you. We take offense at your teachings and your ways. Turn us again to you. Where else can we turn? Share with us the words of eternal life and feed us for life in the world. Amen.
The line about believing that “there is enough to share” made me think of how greedy we get sometimes. I feel more secure when I have money saved up. But, I think some people get to the point that they constantly need more and more in order to feel safe. I like the fact that this guides me to pray for the ability to feel safe in what I have while I share some of it with others.
I joined a weight loss study called the EVO study and their calorie goal is 1,500 a day! I suspect that I will feel hungry a lot during the next six months. I am used to eating 2,500 or maybe even 3,000 a day.
Chocolate brownie
So, I am working on planning my coping techniques. When I was in therapy for depression, I learned about self-acceptance and self-talk. The last time that I went on a diet and lost weight, I felt guilty every time I overate. I will remind myself that I am still a worthwhile person even when I lose my mind and eat every sweet thing that I can get my hands on. I will tell myself that dieting is hard for everyone. It is understandable to fail at times. I am not sure what I will do when I start having food dreams or cravings. Fortunately, I love fruits and salads.
My second plan is to reward myself at specific weight goals. I will go to St. Vincent de Paul when I reach a weight lower than 180. I am currently at 185. I will pat myself on my back mentally for each day that I meet the goal calorie count. I have no idea how to celebrate a week of meeting the goal for the majority of a week.
The study also has a fat goal and exercise goal. The exercise goal gets gradually increased as time goes on.
Another plan that I want to work on is to ask for support from my friends and family. I am uncertain how they can help me. I am not used to exercising with others.
Walking on a path
My favorite exercise is walking but I tend to do it by myself and very slowly. I will do some brisk walking as part of my walks if it will ever stop raining. Another exercise that I enjoy is kayaking down the Fox River but I have to save up money for the kayak rental. I will be looking for some other fun exercise ideas. So, I will use this journey as a way to try out new foods and exercise activities.
As you can tell, I will be putting my therapy experience into a lot of use.
I am thinking about doing a visioning collage as a visual reminder of why I am doing this. If I do, I want something to represent improved health, longer life span, more energy and better self-confidence.
What are you doing to improve your life for yourself?
What are your plans on how to do that?
What challenges are you expecting and how do you plan to respond when they come up?
With all that has happened in the past five years and is happening now, I have been begging God to give wisdom to our leaders (federal,state and local).
Almighty God, you have given us this great land as our heritage. We humbly pray that we may always remember your generosity and faithfully do your will. Bless our land with honest industry, truthful education and an honorable way of life. Defend our liberties and strengthen the resolve of the people who have come from throughout the world to make America their home. Lead us to choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong. Help us to appreciate the opportunities that are ours as we struggle to bring harmony to an unsettled world. May we balance our concern for justice with a willingness to display mercy, and may our concern for security be tempered with a willingness to take risks which will produce worthwhile change for the good of all people. O Lord, we pray for your guidance as we work together for the best interest of our communities, our nation, our world, and the ultimate goal of peace. When times are prosperous, let our hearts be thankful and in troubled times may our deepest trust be in you. Amen
This is from the Chaplains’ Service Book of Prayers.
Flag Prayer Almighty Father of us all; Humbly we ask Thy blessing upon this symbol of our land, our homes, our liberties and especially we beseech Thee to open our eyes that we may more fully enshrine within our hearts the heritage which is ours. The values of our liberties, the glory of the symbol before which we bow in reverence only less than which we kneel to Thee. Suffer us all to pledge anew in our hearts what we pledge with our lips, an undying devotion to the flag which stands for the America we love. Amen
Richard Kline, Chaplain Post 64 I found this online in a PDF from the American Legend.
LORD of hosts, I thank Thee for the many blessings which Thou hast granted us as citizens of our country. I acknowledge that we are not worthy of any of Thy manifest mercies. I, as well as we, our Church and our country, have sinned against Thee. I have been ungrateful, and have deserved Thy judgements rather than the privileges so often and so shamefully abused. Remember, I ask Thee, Thy mercies of old, and for the sake of thine only-begotten Son, our Redeemer, forgive us our guilt. Guard our country from war and bloodshed, from revolution and civic strife, from famine and pestilence. Preserve to us and to our children the liberty and the peace we have enjoyed, and let no enemy from within or without succeed in depriving our nation of these treasures of Thy mercy. Grant the rulers of our country, our State, and our community, wisdom and courage to uphold righteousness, that under this government we may lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and honesty. And may Thy Church flourish to Thy glory and the salvation of souls redeemed by Thy Son our Lord. Amen.
This is from the Lutheran Book of Prayer (1931).
LORD Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, on this day we are thrilled as we remember the greatness of our country’s past and give Thee thanks for the blessings we enjoy through the years. Teach me anew to treasure and appreciate this dearly won liberty of conscience and freedom of worship, which is the very cornerstone of our country’s glory. Let me at no time misuse my freedom nor neglect to praise Thy holy name. Help me to appreciate the peace and order maintained by my Government. Give me willingness to share in the processes of this democratic rule; to respect my country’s laws, and to work and pray for the preservation of its institutions and serve my country wherever possible. Protect me and my fellow citizens from all subversive opinions, and let not our Government fall a pray to selfish interests. Teach us as a people that Thou art ruling the destinies of men and nations and that the future rests in Thy good counsel. Above all, O Lord, I pray Thee, turn the hearts of the people to that freedom which Thou alone, Savior and Redeemer, canst give to us all. In Thy name. Amen.
My pastor at St Luke’s Lutheran Church in Waukesha shared this prayer with us.
Lord God, I am facing a difficult decision in my life and I do not know the road to take. You have given me the awesome power to choose freely as well as the intelligence to choose wisely. Inspire me to make the right decision no matter what it may be.
I believe that everyone has certain rights due to being humans. Our government doesn’t give us these rights, they recognize and protect these rights.
Freedom of speech is part of the first amendment to the US constitution. This recognizes my ability to say what I think without fear of my government. There can be limits to this right but only in very specifically defined ways. This assures that we can debate the issues of running a democracy. I know someone out there is thinking,”No. We are a republic.” Since we vote on people to represent us rather than directly vote to pass laws, this can be argued. However, we can encourage our leaders to make decisions that match the popular position. So, I believe that we are a democracy and a republic.
The first amendment is full of these freedoms that we as Americans hold dear. The right to protest and assemble. I had a roommate in college from Hong Kong who called protests riots. I never could get her to see the difference. I walked in my city’s Black Lives Matter protest. The organizer failed or deliberately didn’t get a permit. So, the police had to come over to the organizer in order to know our route. The city got mad at him for this because we interfered with traffic. I kept walking on the sidewalk because it felt wrong to interfere with traffic. The second protest was on the sidewalk where the first one should have been. Like freedom of speech, I am okay with limiting my rights in order not to interfere with the rights of others. Freedom of the press helps us to be informed on what our government is doing. I still remember when the US government lied to us about the weapons of mass destruction in order to justify a war.
There are other rights that are not listed but are still very important such as property rights, privacy rights and abortion. I know some of my friends think that I support murdering unborn babies because of this position. I believe that many pregnant people who consider abortion are faced with a very hard decision. I have attempted to listen to some books describing the experience of facing this decision but one book had too much political commentary by the abortion doctor who gathered the stories.
As if this post isn’t too long now, I started thinking about religious freedom. The first amendment protects the church from interference from the government. However, we have built a separation between government and religion through tradition and the Supreme Court. This is important to me because I want people to come to Christ through a voluntary act in response to God’s love not through societal pressure. So, I want most laws to protect rights rather than force ethical behavior. Murder is wrong because people have a right to be safe as they live and work rather than the fact that it is wrong. Lying is wrong but not illegal. We need some other laws to keep things orderly such as traffic laws.
I am out planting my rocks. I found a rather boxy one and painted it to look like a Waukesha Metro bus and left it at the bus depot. I remember when this building was new. I loved having an actual building with a restroom.
My next round of rocksWaukesha bus depot
I put the other ones in Frame Park. I am praying that they make someone smile and renew their hope for the future.
My city, Waukesha, is doing a city trail challenge if you are interested in visiting a variety of trails.
I had trouble getting the name of the person after the quote to be legible due to the rough rocks. I left one at Walmart and the other one in downtown Waukesha.