No Regrets by Allen Hunt and Matthew Kelly

I bought this book from a local thrift store because I enjoy reading fables about living. I thought that it would be similar to Who Moved the Cheese but I was surprised that it had a Christian perspective on “living your fourth quarter intentionally.” Since I am 51, I am curious to read about and think about how to live the last half of my life.

The main character meets a mentor at her church. He shares with her “5 keys to living and dying with no regrets.”

Say yes to God

God invites you onto a wonderful journey, When you say yes to God’s invitation, you know where you’re going.

Focus on a Fourth Quarter Virtue

Pursue one fourth quarter virtue God has specifically placed in you. Then watch it create blossoms in all areas of your life.


The more you give yourself away, the happier you’ll be.

Forgive Often

Bitter and resentful is no way to live. And it’s definitely no way to die.

Be Open to Life

Your fourth quarter can be more of a birthing than a dying. Be Open to what can be.

The first statement about God inviting us to journey with him makes me think of a path in the woods. I imagine God and I walking the path together.

I read a list of 15 virtues that the author shared in the back of the book. I related to the virtues of hope, love,justice and kindness. If I choose a “fourth quarter virtue” it will be one of these.

I want to bloom just like this statement says.

When I read “give it away” I think of my painted rocks, this blog and my YouTube channel. I want to encourage others to keep fighting for their dreams.

How do you relate to these five keys?

Live on Purpose quote

“God’s purpose for each of us is to love others and point them back to Him and His love (pg. 7, Live on Purpose by Sadie Robertson Huff)

I thought God was calling me to be a missionary doctor.

I grew up believing that God had a special call on my life. As time went on, I begged God to reveal His will. I thought that He wanted me to be a missionary doctor in some far away country. I played a game once with an atlas. I closed my eyes and randomly selected a page while asking God to guide my hands. I pointed at a map and opened my eyes to see that I had found a US map rather than some far away mission field. This annoyed me because I didn’t think living in the US with an ordinary job could be a calling.

As I continued to learn the Bible, I discovered that any job can be a calling. The Bible teaches us how to live not what career we should have. Honesty. Loving kindness towards others. Encourage each other. Praying for each other. Living in a Church community. Allowing others to help you when you need it. Reaching out for help when you need it. These are the ways that we live out our calling.

People can have a calling on their life no matter what their job is.

What are you doing to be honest? Are you working to show loving kindness? Encouraging others? Praying for others?

Are you able to allow others to help you? Jesus allowed women to provide Him and His disciples with food and housing. Allowing others to help you is very hard. It feels like you are a burden to that person. Yet, it is part of our calling. Shame and guilt may swirl around in your brain. But, God designed His Church with a command to help each other. No church is perfect but if help is available and you need it, ask. If you need counseling or medications, seek out that help. God made us to live in community rather than in isolation.