
Today is Thanksgiving Thursday. I am thankful for my family.

Hands holding each other

My sister C helped me get the hang of riding the bus when I moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin. She invited me over weekly for yummy food and laundry for a long time. She also helped me in some other ways that I don’t want to name here.

My dad E taught me to drive. He was very patient and calm the whole time. Since I have always been scared of driving, this was a great gift. He helped me with getting my first and second car. He still checks in to see how my car is doing.

My mom S helped me with completing college applications a few decades ago. She bought my textbooks some years. Since I was a biology major, they were very expensive sometimes.

One Reply to “Family”

  1. Thankful my kids are good people. I know I made a lot of mistakes while they were growing up. But they turned out great

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