I am unemployed

I hate being unemployed. My Google maps app is full of manufacturing companies in Waukesha, Wisconsin. My phone’s predictive typing anticipates my past employers’ names.

One day, I was on hold to asked my former employer’s HR a question and received two phone calls. I never knew I could take a call while on a call on my landline. I have scheduled phone calls and on site visits a day later. It feels strange to schedule things at an instant. No working around a work schedule. Instead, I have to work around other calls and visits.

I hate the overthinking of every interview. Why did I say that? Why was I slouching sideways? Why do I stare at the ground when thinking?

I have only just begun week two! Two onsite interviews. Three temping agencies sharing my resume with clients. Posted resumes to Indeed, LinkedIn and Job Centers of Wisconsin.

As you can expect, my mood has been up and down too. A few sleepless nights near the end of the week. Hope at the start of the week.

I am spending more time with my friend, painting rocks and taking walks. I am attempting to return to reading a devotional and a Chicken Soup book. I have started leaving my painted rocks around town in the hopes that someone will smile when he/she finds it.

My painted rocks

Are there any other unemployed people working as a job seeker? What methods are you using to cope with the stress?