No Dream is Too High by Buzz Aldrin

While working on a previous post about Aldrin’s struggle with depression and alcoholism, I found some quotes from this book. So, I decided to read it.

Go for your dreams

“One truth I have discovered for sure: When you believe that all things are possible and you are willing to work hard to accomplish your goals, you can achieve the next ‘impossible’ dream. No dream is too high!’ I feel limited by my tendency to cry when stressed out. I have cried at every job that I have ever held. Since my current job is almost a month long so far, this is really saying something. So, I am not sure how far I can get in life. If I could believe that I can do it even under stress, I know that I would be more successful.

Average people tend to think about merely maintaining the status quo; unsuccessful people think about simply surviving. Innovators and explorers think about what might be possible.” I have been working on thinking about how to get better at my job and make it better for my co-workers.

“Most people don’t like to move out of their comfort zones, but as we all know, change is inevitable. You can resist it and complain about it as an inconvenience, or you can regard change as your chance to do something new.” This quote reminds me of cognitive behavioral therapy which focuses on shifting one’s interpretation of an event. A lot of our emotions are influenced by how we interpret what is happening in our lives. So, shifting our thinking can help us to get our emotions under control.

“Life is a gift, and none of us has any guarantees about tomorrow, so don’t miss the opportunity to tell your friends and family members how much they mean to you.”

“All work is noble, if it is legal and ethical, so do your best, whether you are first, second, or last. Never lose an opportunity, a job, an election, a competition, or anything else because you were too lazy to give it your best effort.”

“I learned that asking for help was not a sign of weakness, but of true strength.”

“No matter who you are or how accomplished you may be, a time will come when you realize that you need help. Don’t be too proud or resistant to seeking help out of fear of embarrassment, reprisal, or other consequences.

“Seeking help when I was suffering with depression after returning from the Moon was a lifesaver for me-perhaps, literally.”

“Fortunately, I found excellent doctors and friends who encouraged me and helped me to recognize that I was not trapped by the past, that I could be responsible for my own decisions, and that my emotional health was much more important than my career.”

“Much more than talent or a pleasant personality, perseverance and persistence will open doors for you, if you simply keep working toward your goal and refuse to give up.”

“Nothing is impossible, but you must have a passion for what you want to do and a plan for where you want to go if you ever hope to get there.

“But the truth is, if you are afraid to fail, you will probably not accomplish much in life.”

“IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT, something noble, something that perhaps has never been done before, you must be willing to fail. And don’t be surprised or devastated when you do. It is not the end of the world, and untold numbers of people have experienced major failures and have come back from them, not as more successful, but also as better, stronger people.”

“But failure is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign that you are alive and growing.”

“Fear paralyzes in many ways, but especially if it keeps you from responding wisely and intelligently to challenges. The only way to overcome your fears is to face them head-on.”