The love of Jesus is with us

Sometimes, I feel like Sunday has a theme to it. I was thinking about today’s theme on the way home from church.

Jesus dying for us

I read a devotional (Chris in Our Home) that my church keeps by the information desk. Here is a quote from today’s entry (March 26th).

“I am moved by times Jesus himself felt alone and forsaken. These episodes in scripture remind me in my most desperate moments that the triune God is with me, understands me, and accompanies me as I navigate rough terrain”. The writer’s name is Mary Jo Anderson.

This quote filled me with the hope that Jesus will be with me always just as he promised at the end of the book of Matthew. “…I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20, NKJV)

At church, we heard about the pain and suffering that Jesus experienced as He died for us.

May Jesus be with you always. When you need His presence the most, I pray that He will reassure you that He is beside you through his word and the people who love you. For we all need His loving presence to get through the tough times of our lives. Amen.