Learning by stretching myself

I finished listening to a book titled Peak Performance by Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness . It reminded me that just as an athlete builds muscle by pushing themselves and resting, a person learns in a similar way. I read some of my old writing from 2010 and 2011.

The two Lenten devotionals that I wrote for my church.

I was disappointed to see that my writing hasn’t improved that much in a little over ten years. So, I have decided to find ways to stretch myself. Here is some of those attempts.

On my rock painting, I found some new ideas on Pinterest. If you want creative ideas, Pinterest is a great place to get them. My two completed works are not as beautiful as the ideas but they are my first attempt.

As you can see, the top rock got smudged when I sprayed it with the protective spray. They are both a rock painting idea that I will try again.

I will continue to study Spanish using Duolingo and reading/listening to books that are interesting and challenging for me.

As for my writing, I have not thought of any ideas to stretch myself. Do you have anything that you want to see on this blog?