Rock painting game

As you know, I love to paint rocks and put them around downtown Waukesha for people to find and enjoy. I have placed four rocks today.

I put this rock by a tree near the picture that gave me the idea for this rock. Of course the mural is MUCH better than my rock.

I found the idea for this rock on Pinterest. It makes me think of how we humans need to be loved and cared for. I placed this one on a bridge called love bridge.

This is the message that I want to tell all of the people who are struggling in this world and community. Don’t give up. Sure take a break for a while but come back and keep studying and practicing. I hide this one at Cutler park by the library since learning new knowledge or skills can be done at the library.

This rock was smeared when I put the protective coating on it. I put this one at Youman’s park near the nursing home.

These didn’t come out as good. So, I picked some random places to put them.

Please feel free to look for them today (7/15, Saturday).