I bought some rocks from Amazon. Yes. You read that correctly. I bought some rocks to paint on Amazon. I love how smooth these rocks are.
Don’t give up rocks
I put these and some other rocks in the plant boxes in downtown Waukesha
A sunny rock
Here is a picture of one of my sunny rocks laying in the flowers. I left the religious rocks on top of the filing cabinet near a hair salon and the Social Security office on South Street.
I have been busy painting rocks for Easter. I videoed myself next to my church and left them for people to find tomorrow on Easter.
I posted the video to my re-named YouTube channel. Since I am new to posting on YouTube, my video editing skills are rough. So, I hope you will be forgiving as I learn.
I enjoy painting rocks and putting them out in my neighborhood for people to find. I hope they encourage the finders. Since I have relatively low skill in painting, I choose to do certain images over and over again.
Cloud with rainbow on rock
Here is the most common one that I do. I am trying to do longer quotes now. This quote is “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.” I have a previous post on this quote. I want to be clear that I know that non-believers can be courageous too. I think our faith can help us to face our fears. Yet, there are plenty of ways to build up your courage in addition to faith.
Never give up!
This is an image of a woman climbing a large cliff. I admire people who work hard to achieve their goals. I pray that this image will remind the finder to keep trying and never give up.
I may try a sunset with a different image in the front.
Rose painted on rock
This is my newest rock painting idea. I think that I am getting better at it.
I have tried a boy climbing in a tree that looked okay to me. I also want to try a mandala design (black rock with colorful dot design).
What would you like to see on one of my rocks? Please keep any suggestions on the easy side.
What are you doing in order to challenge yourself today or this week?
On Friday, we had 10 inches of snow fall on us here in Waukesha. The city looks like a winter wonderland but some people are still waiting on restoration of their electricity.
Bushes in downtown Waukesha that are covered in snow. A snow covered bench near South Street parking rampOld post office with flagTree hanging down due to heavy snow on it
In honor of our snow and extreme cold temperatures, I painted a group of winter rocks. I will be putting them out for the next few days.
I was looking for a new image for my rocks. I decided to see if I can find a YouTube video on drawing a rose. I found an easy one that starts with a heart.
I added the words, “enjoy the Small things in life” to the rose painting. I hope it will remind someone that there are small good moments even in the worst of times. Taking the time to search for the good moments may help someone to keep trying and trying.
As you know, I love to paint rocks and put them around downtown Waukesha for people to find and enjoy. I have placed four rocks today.
I put this rock by a tree near the picture that gave me the idea for this rock. Of course the mural is MUCH better than my rock.
I found the idea for this rock on Pinterest. It makes me think of how we humans need to be loved and cared for. I placed this one on a bridge called love bridge.
This is the message that I want to tell all of the people who are struggling in this world and community. Don’t give up. Sure take a break for a while but come back and keep studying and practicing. I hide this one at Cutler park by the library since learning new knowledge or skills can be done at the library.
This rock was smeared when I put the protective coating on it. I put this one at Youman’s park near the nursing home.
These didn’t come out as good. So, I picked some random places to put them.
Please feel free to look for them today (7/15, Saturday).
I attended my city’s one year anniversary gathering for the Waukesha Christmas parade tragedy on November 21, 2022. The video starts with no sound but has sound later. At the end, an artist sand “Lean on Me.” She invited us to sing along.
I decided to paint some rocks with the words “Lean on Me” and “Waukesha Strong.”
I planned to leave them along the route for our Christmas parade. I have left my 15 rocks along our parade route. I also put some sidewalk chalk messages out for people to see. It is my prayer that this will encourage someone in my community.
While I was placing my painted rocks, I found someone else’s rock.
I posted pictures of this rock on the Waukesha County Rocks group that I am a member. The artist is not from Waukesha. She is from New Jersey and sent them to Waukesha as her way to send kindness into our city. Then, a local hid them.
This is one example of people outside of the state or country reaching out to my community. I have read that people sent donations to my community’s victim fund. Judge Dorow received fan mail from all over. I joined a Facebook group called “Waukesha Strong” and assumed that it would contain only Waukesha or Wisconsin residents. But, I was surprised to see empathetic statements from all over the country and world. TMJ4 has been airing Waukesha events such as our parade and the one year anniversary ceremony. The comments of support showed up there too. Thank you to all who have expressed for my community. I am so shocked and overwhelmed by the support.
I hope the people who lost someone or was present at the parade last year feels this massive outpouring of support.