I have been working in a factory for two years. In November, we had a team meeting. I was expecting the meeting to be an update on the vaccine mandate. But, they announced that they will be closing our plant letter this year. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I obsessed about the shocking news for days afterwards. They told us that we would receive a sixty days notice in advance of the lay offs.
When I researched lay offs online, I read that Wisconsin requires a sixty notice for mass lay offs and plant closures.
So, I am thankful that I have a job and that my state is looking out for me.
Happy belated Thanksgiving Thursday. I made two mistakes at work yesterday and was too tired mentally to write this post.
This week, the temperatures in Wisconsin have been extremely cold. So, I found myself thinking about how nice it is to have heat in my apartment and car. As you can see, my cat is thankful for heat too.
I don’t ever want to be homeless, not have heat in my apartment or a broken heater in my car. A co-worker told me about her car that she calls a death trap that doesn’t have a working heater. So, she drives with her arm sticking out the window wiping the window since she can’t defrost her wind shield.
It is a good idea to keep a gratitude journal which is what I am using Thanksgiving Thursdays to do.
Do you write in a gratitude journal? How frequently? What are you thankful for?
“Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” G.K. Chesterton
I woke up with a itchy throat and cough yesterday morning (1/18/2022). I called in sick to work because my employer wants us to stay out if we have any coronavirus like symptoms. So, my employer emailed me the Covid-19 questions and told me to quarantine for five days. They lumped people who had symptoms together with those who tested positive. I can test out on day five with an antigen test, if I can FIND one.
I am listening to corona parody songs to remind myself that I am not the only person stuck at home due to a cold or allergies. They are on YouTube and coming into my room through the internet.
Today, I have no cough left but my nose is a snot factory. So my nose says thank you for nose tissues.
Today is Thanksgiving Thursday. I am thankful for my family.
My sister C helped me get the hang of riding the bus when I moved to Waukesha, Wisconsin. She invited me over weekly for yummy food and laundry for a long time. She also helped me in some other ways that I don’t want to name here.
My dad E taught me to drive. He was very patient and calm the whole time. Since I have always been scared of driving, this was a great gift. He helped me with getting my first and second car. He still checks in to see how my car is doing.
My mom S helped me with completing college applications a few decades ago. She bought my textbooks some years. Since I was a biology major, they were very expensive sometimes.
I have decided to post my list of things that I thankful for here on Thursdays. I hope this will help me to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.
I am thankful for the generosity of my city, Waukesha. When local businesses have a fundraiser for the parade victims, residents line up to participate. The Christmas ornaments are being sold and all the proceeds are going to the Waukesha community fund.
I am also thankful that my planned layoff has been pushed back to April.
Please share what you are thankful for in the comments.