Freedom. Rights.

What does freedom mean to you?

I believe that everyone has certain rights due to being humans. Our government doesn’t give us these rights, they recognize and protect these rights.

Freedom of speech is part of the first amendment to the US constitution. This recognizes my ability to say what I think without fear of my government. There can be limits to this right but only in very specifically defined ways. This assures that we can debate the issues of running a democracy. I know someone out there is thinking,”No. We are a republic.” Since we vote on people to represent us rather than directly vote to pass laws, this can be argued. However, we can encourage our leaders to make decisions that match the popular position. So, I believe that we are a democracy and a republic.

The first amendment is full of these freedoms that we as Americans hold dear. The right to protest and assemble. I had a roommate in college from Hong Kong who called protests riots. I never could get her to see the difference. I walked in my city’s Black Lives Matter protest. The organizer failed or deliberately didn’t get a permit. So, the police had to come over to the organizer in order to know our route.  The city got mad at him for this because we interfered with traffic. I kept walking on the sidewalk because it felt wrong to interfere with traffic. The second protest was on the sidewalk where the first one should have been. Like freedom of speech, I am okay with limiting my rights in order not to interfere with the rights of others. Freedom of the press helps us to be informed on what our government is doing. I still remember when the US government lied to us about the weapons of mass destruction in order to justify a war.

There are other rights that are not listed but are still very important such as property rights, privacy rights and abortion. I know some of my friends think that I support murdering unborn babies because of this position. I believe that many pregnant people who consider abortion are faced with a very hard decision. I have attempted to listen to some books describing the experience of facing this decision but one book had too much political commentary by the abortion doctor who gathered the stories.

As if this post isn’t too long now, I started thinking about religious freedom. The first amendment protects the church from interference from the government. However, we have built a separation between government and religion through tradition and the Supreme Court. This is important to me because I want people to come to Christ through a voluntary act in response to God’s love not through societal pressure. So, I want most laws to protect rights rather than force ethical behavior. Murder is wrong because people have a right to be safe as they live and work rather than the fact that it is wrong. Lying is wrong but not illegal. We need some other laws to keep things orderly such as traffic laws.

How I cope with negative feelings.

What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

I have experienced a lot of negative feelings including sadness (major depressive disorder), social anxiety, anger and grief. So, this post will probably be long.

When I was angry, I went on a brisk walk. I can’t even remember why I was mad. I just remember wanting to kick or throw the stuff in my apartment. So, I deliberately wore myself out. I remember having an inner argument as I walked on the sidewalk. I wondered if anyone saw me walking and gesturing with my hands.

Other times, I have cried or talked it out. I have also scribbled or torn up a paper with a word that represents what I am mad at.

When I was in a depression episode, I reached out to a therapist and psychiatrist for help. The therapist helped me to work through some unresolved issues concerning the death of my great aunt while the anti-depressants helped me by reducing social anxiety and improved the sleeping pattern.

I also wrote “Dear God” letters, pretend therapy and created some of my own art therapy as a way to express and work through my emotions.

What has worked for you? What have you seen work for others?

Banned words

If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?

If I was the world dictator for a day and could ban phrases, I’d ban “I can’t”, “I should” and “I am a bad…”.

I can’t in our thinking and words tend to decrease our willingness to try with all of our abilities. Yet, there are some things that we must accept as limits to our abilities. So, I suppose I wouldn’t ban these words, I would choose to reduce their usage though.

I used to think “I should dump my trash, clean my dishes, clean the microwave, mop the  floor…” Until I overwhelmed myself. I have managed to reduce the frequency of this phrase. Using  the phrase “I should” will make you feel guilty or overwhelm  you.

The last phrase that I listed is insulting yourself. I seem to love to do this especially in response to compliments.

As you can tell, I have a lot to learn. What phrases are you attempting to decrease in your thinking and words?

Advice for teenage self

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

I walk up to the stable where I grew up and find the younger me playing in the yard.

My mom and step-father (Bruce) with a horse

Me: Hi Tracy. I am you as an adult.

Teen me keeps her distance from me: Yeah right.

Me: It’s true. I just want you to know that you will live to be 51 years old like I am now.

Teen me: But, God has called me. I hope He wants me to save people’s lives like a doctor or paramedic. If I died in order to save another, I’d be a hero…

Me: I know that you dream of being a missionary doctor and risking your life to serve God and help others. I want you to know that you are smart.

Teen me: But, Bruce said that I am too stupid to be a doctor. (Tears start to leak from her eyes.)

Me: He was mad and knew that it would hurt you. But, he is wrong. You are a smart person and don’t believe Bruce. You study hard and keep getting good grades. I am proud of you.

{I think that is the first time that I told myself that I am proud of my hard work and smarts.}

Me: Also, you are not responsible for how Bruce responds to you.

Teen me: He is the authority. So, he must be right and I am wrong.

Me: No. He has issues of his own to deal with that pushes him to mistreat you.

Teen me: Mistreat?

Me: Yes. It is normal for a child to respond slowly when trying to understand where to look for something. He gets mad because of that delay at times. That is not right.

Teen me stands there silently with a very confused expression.

Me: You will be able to move away and start your own life. Also, don’t give up. Keep doing your best.

This is similar to what I call pretend therapy. I write the client’s statement. Then, I imagine myself in the role of the therapist and write out that response. As I write out the exchange, I sometimes say something in the role of therapist that I really needed to hear/read. It also forces me to take a more empathetic view of myself just as I would a client or friend.

Yes, I am patriotic.

Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you?

Yes, I am patriotic but what does that mean?

I feel pressured to believe and say that the US is the greatest nation on Earth. Since I have almost no knowledge of what it is like to live in or visit another nation let alone be a citizen, I have no way to compare the US to other nations. Yet, I have had people give me dirty looks when I have pointed this lack of knowledge out. I got the feeling that the customer thought that I was being unpatriotic by refusing to say that the US is the greatest nation on Earth.

I have also seen comments by political commentators that the complainers/protestors should just leave. I protested a few times during the Black Lives Matter protests because I want my nation to live up to its own ideals. It hurts my heart when I see my nation going in the wrong direction. So, I protest or write letters to my politicians.

For me, patriotism is loving your country and what it represents to you. The US is a part of who I am and I am a part of it. I have voted in many elections. Sometimes, my person won and other times the other candidate won. So, I continued to work and live while recognizing that person as my elected leader.

Another aspect of patriotism is seeking out ways to help your country, state and city.  I help my city by being a poll worker. Ironically, I discovered last year that my mom and sister are poll workers in other states. Since I am limited on how many days that I can take off from work, I don’t volunteer elsewhere.

For those who chose to do so, joining the armed forces, police, EMTs or some other public service is another great way to live the life of a patriot.

Thank you to all who find ways to serve their communities. You are the true patriots.

2024 goals: monthly check-in

Something on your “to-do list” that never gets done.

When someone is working on making a change in their behavior, it is important for the goals to be measurable. I have some of my goals listed on my monthly goals chart.

Monthly goals chart

I am tracking if I do a Spanish lesson on Duolingo (a free language learning app), 15 minutes or longer walks, healthy eating and 1/2 hour of chores. I am struggling with eating too many sweets, chips and popcorn. So, I only counted four days of eating healthy. I also recorded four days of spending a half hour or more on chores. I have been refusing to count grocery shopping and wondering how much time I should count for walking to the bank to get quarters for doing laundry. I did pretty good on Duo (at least 9 days) and the walking (at least 12 days).

The one that I am most happy about is that I managed to spend less than I earn. I moved into a nicer apartment in fall last year. So, the increase in rent is forcing me to tighten my spending at the grocery store and on my credit card. I doubt that I can do it in February because I am planning to buy a new mattress. My celebratory meal for meeting my budget was today.

Taco salad

I made myself a taco salad.

What are your new year’s resolutions?

How are you doing on them?

I hope to hear from you. I want to encourage you to get back up and dust yourself off and try again.

Future books

What books do you want to read?

I am currently working on a blog entry about Max Lucato. I find his books to be very easy reads that are full of good stories and encouragement. I am also listening to Maya Angelou’s I know Why the Caged Bird Sings. It amazes me how she has lived through a hard childhood but ended up writing autobiographies and poetry.

I am planning on starting a YouTube channel. I want to read some Christian classics, self-help classics, share encouraging quotes and discuss some of my own struggles with depression and life. The books in this picture are Pilgrim‘s Progress and a folk tale about three trees.

I have a small book shelf full of books that I have not read yet. I mostly have non-fiction Christian and self-help.

Dream job

What’s your dream job?

As a child, I wanted to become a doctor and go overseas as a missionary. I believed that God had called me to this dream job. I took biology with some side courses for pre-med. Then, the med students came by my lab class and talked about never studying before medical school. I think I had to study in every grade. I know that I studied in middle school and high school. Years before my step-father yelled “You’re too stupid to be a doctor.” I tried to argue back because I knew that I’d never forget him saying that. Sometimes, I thought about becoming a child psychologist in order to help other children who struggle like I did.

I never went to medical school because I discovered that I freeze up when in a crisis. A neighbor in my dorm building was in the bathroom sounding sick. I suggested that she take some medication and went down stairs in order to do laundry. When I passed back by, a man was standing outside of the restroom asking for help getting her unconscious body out of the restroom. Did I help? No. I stood frozen and had a bunch of negative thoughts. I couldn’t be a doctor or nurse. Someone tried to tell me that I could train enough to be able to function under high stress. I doubted it then and still doubt it.

While this dream died, I realized that the main part of the dream is the desire to help others. This desire is still very strong in my heart. Now, I hope I can use this blog to encourage others. I have read many encouraging books and quotes. Many of us have so much potential but we need a little encouragement in our darkest moments to keep from giving up. This is what I want to do for my readers.

Sometimes, a dream dies. But, the driving desire behind the dream lives on. So, I suggest that you ask yourself why a certain job is a dream job. You may find something else that fulfills that aching desire.

Mission: encourage others

What is your mission?

I have had this blog since 2018. I started this blog because I wanted to encourage others especially Christians who struggle with mental health issues.

Since I am a Christian who lives with depression, I think I have an interesting perspective in this area.

So my mission for this blog is to offer encouragement to my fellow Christians. I plan to do this by sharing my struggles and successes at times, discussing quotes from famous people, Bible study discussions, listing local resources and educational writing.

I called it Listeninghearts because I want to support and encourage my readers.


What could you do differently?

Since I have already blogged about my goals for 2024, I will share one that I didn’t mention in my previous post.

I moved into a nicer apartment last year. So, I pay more in rent now. So, I am going back to living on a budget.

I will try to reduce how much that I spend at Walmart. I will try to avoid buying more books or clothes. It is hard to say no when I see a cute short for a cheap price.

I will also be more careful about purchasing stuff on Amazon. Success in this goal will be seeing that I am spending less than I am earning. Then, my checking account will return to growing slowly until I transfer money into savings. I want my money to earn some interest or dividends too.