People that I admire

What is something others do that sparks your admiration?

There are so many people that I admire. I will group the people in my listing.

People who commit their life to a bigger cause. There are so many occupations in our society that keep our community alive. Police officers who come running in times of crises. We read the stories of mass shootings that end with the shooter being shot by police. Paramedics and fire fighters are heroes. Doctors. Nurses. Chaplains. Pastors. Scientists who spend a lifetime studying and experimenting just to learn new things. There are others who are less obvious but still manage to impact their communities for the better. Here is a picture of me dressed as a cop. I enjoy dressing as an occupation that is a hero for Halloween. I suspect that this is as close as I can to being a hero.

Everyday heroes. A local radio station uses this phrase to describe people who save a life with little to no training. They share a story on Thursdays. Sometimes, they do CPR or pull someone out of a car accident. I can’t think clearly when in a crisis. So, I admire those who can stay calm under stress.

People who sacrifice for others. When I worked in a drug store, I had a co-worker who worked at the drug store and a factory. She had previously been on disability but she refused to go back on it like her doctor wanted her to. She had a daughter with bi-polar. She worked way harder than she ever should in order to pay her daughter’s bills. I admired that.

Women who can stand up for themselves. I have a strong aversion to confrontation. So, I never asked for a pay raise until this year. I tend to stumble over my words when I ask for anything from my boss. I have a co-worker who is our painter in the factory. She has this ability to stand up for herself. I admire that.